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Difference Between Morel Maximo 5 and 6 for Your Car Audio

Morel Maximo 5 VS Morel Maximo 6

In car audio, people love debating which speaker system is better. One popular difference between Morel Maximo 5 and 6. When you want to make your car sound great, the parts of the speaker system are important. Morel is a well-known brand that has been making high-quality sound equipment for a long time. 

They offer two types of speakers: the Maximo 5 and 6. Both are good, but which one is right for you? In this article, we’ll discuss the details, & features of both sets. So you can decide which one is best for you.

Difference Between Morel Maximo 5 and 6

Speaker wire is a bunch of thin wires, usually made of copper or copper-coated aluminum, grouped and separated by insulation. Sometimes, there’s an extra shield or special features added. The insulation in the middle is easy to tear, so you can separate the wires when you need to. Usually, one of the wires has a mark to show it’s positive.

Morel Maximo 5

The Maximo 5 is a speaker system designed to make the middle sounds in music clear and strong. Let’s take a closer look at what it can do.

  1. Power Handling: It can consistently handle up to 70 watts of power and reach 140 watts at its peak. This means it can work well with different amp, so your music stays loud and clear without any weird sounds.
  2. Frequency Response: It can play sounds from 75Hz to 20kHz, so you’ll hear all the little details in your favorite songs.
  3. Sensitivity: These speakers can get pretty loud, even without the amplifier needing a lot of power. They have a sensitivity rating of 90 dB.

Size: The Maximo 5 is about 2.28-inches deep, so you’ll need to consider how to fit it in your car when installing it.


  1. It’s great at making middle sounds and voices in music.
  2. Works well with lots of different types of music.
  3. It’s built to last with strong materials so it won’t break easily.


  1. Using a subwoofer or tweeter to get all the different sounds is best.
  2. A few users think it needs to be more sensitive to loud music, especially if you want a lot of bass.

Morel Maximo 6

The Maximo 6 is like the bigger brother of the Maximo 5, and it has a few differences that might matter to certain music lovers.

  1. Power Handling: It can handle up to 90 watts of power regularly, reaching 180 watts at its highest. This means it’s stronger and can handle more intense music than the Maximo 5.
  2. Frequency Response: It can play sounds from as low as 60Hz, so it’s better at making deep bass sounds compared to the Maximo 5. This makes it great for playing music independently without needing extra new speakers.
  3. Sensitivity: Just like the Maximo 5, it can get loud without the amplifier needing a lot of power. It has a sensitivity rating of 90 dB.
  4. Size: It’s a bit deeper than the Maximo 5, at about 2.52-inches, but it’s not a huge difference, so it should be pretty easy to fit in your car.


  1. Because it’s bigger and can handle more power, it can play a wider range of sounds, especially in the bass part of the music.
  2. It can make your music sound richer and more exciting and work well with different types of music.


  1. Because it’s bigger, it might only fit perfectly in some cars.
  2. Some people think it could be clearer in the middle sounds as the Maximo 5, especially if that’s important to you.

Comparison Table of Morel Maximo 5 and 6 Speakers


Morel Maximo 5

Morel Maximo 6


5-inch speaker

6.5-inch speaker

Power Handling

RMS: 70W, Peak: 140W

RMS: 90W, Peak: 180W

Frequency Response

75Hz – 20kHz

60Hz – 20kHz

Sound Quality

Balanced sound profile, crisp mid-range

Enhanced bass response, deep tones

Suitable Vehicles

Versatile, fits various vehicle models

Depends on speaker slot size, preference


Straightforward for those familiar with car audio

Requires basic knowledge or professional help

Complementary Components

Amplifier, sound processor

Amplifier, sound processor

Overall Experience

Crystal-clear sound, improved frequency separation

Enhanced bass, immersive sound experience

Comparison Table of Morel Maximo & Standard Speakers


Morel Maximo Speaker

Standard Car Speaker 

Mixing Components

Stick to Morel components for top performance

Can mix different brands, but may affect quality


Superior sound quality, enhanced frequency response

Standard sound quality, limited frequency range

Factory Sound Enhancement

Significant improvement in sound quality and performance

Minimal enhancement compared to factory setup

Tips for selecting Morel Maximo

  1. Evaluate Your Music Taste: If you like jazz, classical, or acoustic music and want clear mid-range sounds, go for Maximo 5. But if you enjoy electronic, hip-hop, or rap and prefer strong bass, Maximo 6 might be better.
  2. Consider Your Current Setup: If you already have a powerful subwoofer, amplifier, or a good head unit in your car, Maximo 5 could fit well and keep everything balanced.
  3. Try Before Buying: Listen to both speakers before deciding. Hearing them yourself is the best way to choose the one you like.


Whether you want clear sound or deep bass, both speakers can improve your car’s music. Both are part of the morel maximo series, known for their high build quality and durability.  Consider what matters most to you and how much you will spend on quality sound.  

It’s not just about making it loud; it’s about making it clear and balanced, which Morel Maximo speakers are known for. The difference between Morel Maximo 5 and 6 speakers depends on what you need and like in your car audio.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

Yes, the both are 2-way coax speakers. Each speaker unit consists of two drivers, typically a woofer and a tweeter, mounted on the same axis for better sound integration and performance.

Yes, you can use both speakers in your car and home. They’re made to give you great sound no matter where you put them.

If you want a powerful sound and are willing to pay more, go for Maximo Ultra. But if you prefer good sound at a lower price, Maximo MKII is the better choice.